BE-terna Fashion Connector to POS

על-ידי BE-terna

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A module that connects our fashion solution with our pos solution

BE-terna Fashion Connector to POS establishes the connection between the BE-terna Fashion and BE-terna POS APP. The BE-terna Fashion APP extends the standard Business Central with multidimensional articles. The articles are extended by size, color and size run, and these data is used to create variants, that can be assigned to an EAN. Both apps has to work independently of each other and therefore they have no dependencies. This means that the extended data from BE-terna Fashion is not visible in BE-terna POS. The BE-terna Fashion Connector is used to make the data from the BE-terna Fashion app available in BE-terna POS (e.g. for receipt printing (size + color), inventory information (in matrixform), home order process, etc.).
Furthermore, the data from the CRM module of BE-terna Fashion can be used in BE-terna POS. Information such as main branch, customer segments, purchase history by color and size as well as hobby and newsletter information can be called up in BE-terna POS.
This connector turns the BE-terna POS standard solution into a fashion POS for our textile customers.
When processing the sales data, the connector enriches this data for posting in BE-terna Fashion, so that you have all these informations in reporting for the management and controlling of your company available.

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